AIS Alumni Photos

Photo blog of alumni from the American International School (AIS) in Israel. The initial focus of this page was photos of and from members of the class of 1988, but we've expanded following the 2006 AIS Grand Reunion. Maintained by Daniel Hocutt, AIS class of 1988.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Class Photo 2 (from Hugo [Paul] Bernard)

Paul writes: "Hi. One more photo of the class.Back row: (from left to right) Johan, 5th Miko, My brother Justus. Middle row: (from left to right) 2nd Katie, 7th Amy Wilson, 8th Melissa R., Afsaneh. Front row: (from left to right) Carsten?, Seth, 3rd Me, Shara G., Smadar K., Merina, Carol." Anyone else able to name more of these folks? I think the first person from the left on the back row is Matt S. Is that Nick K. next to Miko?

Class Photo (from Hugo [Paul] Bernard)

Paul writes: " Hi. Here is a class picture I have. I can remember some of the names. Back row: (left to right) 5th - Afsaneh, 8th - Miko, 9th my brother Justus. Front row: (left to right) Amy W., Stephanie Baron, Christina, Merina, Shara G., Carel, Donald, Erik, Seth, Me (Hugo or Paul), Smadar." I think you can also see Carsten in the front row. And is Miko #8 or #11 on the back row? Anyone else able to name some of these folks?